Sneak Peak Sunday & Weekend Writing Warriors

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Welcome to another weekend and another snippet! This is going to be my last Demon Seduction snippet, and then I’m going to move on to other books. 🙂 When you’re done here, don’t forget to click either of the two above links and return to the lists where you can catch up on what all the other truly talented authors have been up to!

The set-up: Kael is back in the bar talking to his favorite bartender. He has also just realized he was never the hunter. He’s been the prey right from the very start.

* * * * *

“Divorce?” Jackson asked, his assessing gaze softening slightly.

Kael laughed, and it was not a happy sound. “If only it were that simple. No, but it does involve a woman. A beautiful, lying, conniving, voluptuous, sexy as hell, witch of a woman, one who has in an inconceivably short amount of time wormed her way so deeply into my very soul—yes, soul, try though you do to convince yourselves that I have none—and not all the dog-desperate clawing can wrench my being free of her. All night long I dominated her body, only to find myself conquered by her. I battled and battered at her, bathed my seed upon her thighs, drew my breaths from between her breasts and yet I drowned. I bound her, only to find myself thoroughly ensnared! My life is gone. Everything I have worked for…everything that I am has, for the sake of pride, boredom, a fine pair of tits and an ass unparalleled by any other known to man—indeed, on the face of this whole miserable planet!—been utterly destroyed.”

“Women,” Jackson commiserated.

“You have no idea. I’m doomed.”

“Ah, don’t say that.” Reaching over the bar, Jackson gave his shoulder a bolstering smack. “I’ve been married three times. So while it’s no consolation right now, trust me when I say this is not the end of the world. She may not be the right woman for you, but eventually you’ll find another.”

“God help me,” Kael scoffed. He covered his mouth with a wince. He really needed to stop saying that.

Available now on Amazon!
Demon Seduction_ARE

Blurb: Kaelythus the Corruptor was a demon of the ninth echelon. He was strong, formidable, one who has walked the world for almost two millennia—and he has a problem.

It wasn’t that he’d been mugged on his way home, or that subsequent slip in self-control when he’d revealed himself in all his demonic glory and sent his would-be mugger running down the street. It wasn’t that news of his disgrace seemed to be developing wings, spreading farther and faster than he could counter. It wasn’t even that Kael was going to have to join forces with the infamous Hesoniel, a demon turned Redeemer, in a desperate bid to save himself before the Powers That Be judged him…retire-able. No. No, a clever demon could still come back from all that. Unfortunately for Kael, his biggest problem was who had seen him: his lovely, across-the-alley neighbor, Delilah.

The name alone should have told him something…

Note: This is an erotic romance with coarse language and sexual situations (because really, what kind of erotica or romance would it be without them).

42 thoughts on “Sneak Peak Sunday & Weekend Writing Warriors

  1. Amazing snippet! He certainly sounds like one snared puppy. Nicely done.

  2. historysleuth1 says:

    I never quite thought of the hunter becoming the hunted in quite that way. Very good. I just love his description of her, “A beautiful, lying, conniving, voluptuous, sexy as hell, witch of a woman…” So good! Nice 8.

    History Sleuth’s Milk Carton Murders

  3. Ryan Derham says:

    He’s definitely got a dilemma, though probably having a lot of fun, too.

  4. He was so sure of himself last week and she finally got him. So awesome!

  5. Sarah W says:

    Best tension break ever: “Women,” Jackson commiserated.

    Wild applause!

  6. Sue says:

    Yeah I’ll go with that – wild applause and standing ovation. Such flow, and of course the last line…

  7. Oh my! Wonderful snippet. Good luck with, Penny!

  8. Agreed, great snippet. Loved the last line and the “dog clawing desperation” image. Great writing. And thanks for visiting Flights of Fancy earlier. 🙂

  9. nora snowdon says:

    love the brow-beaten alpha. now if only Delilah were a were-squirrel…
    kidding, I love the excerpt. 😉

  10. Taylor Anne says:

    Sounds awesome! Good luck!

  11. D'Ann Lindun says:

    Great job! Loved the long speech!

  12. danitaminnis says:

    He’s in deep now! Great snippet 🙂

  13. I love the camaraderie between these two – the long-winded speech followed by the one word reply. And the last line… great stuff!

  14. He thought he was the hunter, but really he was the prey. There is a lot of truth in that statement… many men and women are in that very predicament and they have no idea how or why. You show the horror of how he feels, nearly despair – panic. Very well written!

  15. R Lee Smith says:

    My favorite line: “Women.” Fabulous. And I love the way Kael’s speech meanders back and forth between the flowery and the coarse. It really helps you get the sense of his age.

  16. trishafaye says:

    Great! Seems like I was sitting there overhearing the whole conversation.

  17. Delynn Royer says:

    Oh my! How the tables have turned. A demon in a quandary. Great peek!

  18. I loved that last paraghraph….LOL! He definitely has it BAD!

  19. Dana Mason says:

    Loved this. Great little glimpse.

  20. What a great exchange! And I loved the line, he dominated her body…

  21. My internal editor thinks the first paragraph/rant could be broken up a bit. I just slapped her for you, btw. I love that he’s a demon and slaps his mouth when he says God. LOL!

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